Once upon a time the League of American Bicyclists was called League of American Wheelmen, which (sorry ladies) is an even cooler name than the one they use now.

Life is better for everyone when more people ride bikes is the slogan of League of American Bicyclists.

Around where we live bicyclists either look as if they are training for Tour de France (and they’re not), or they are homeless and jobless. So my hope is that the League can help get us to a place where bicycling is just considered the smart and normal way to transport yourself somewhere, like how it is in most civilized places. I, too, think more people riding bikes would be better for everyone, but as I’ve grown older I have learned to be careful what I wish for so when I say more people riding bikes I hasten to point out that I don’t want more Tour de France imitators or more homeless and jobless people.

However, slogans with caveats obviously aren’t that great, so I’ll just leave this one as is.