This stunning diorama of what a marketplace in Tlatelolco might have looked like before the arrival of the Spanish, is displayed in Museo Nacional de Antropología in Mexico D.F. Regrettably I haven’t been able to dig up the name of the artist(s) behind the model, but whoever they are, my hat’s off to her or him or them.

Overview of one corner of the market.
From a model in Museo National de Antropología in Mexico D.F., showing the Tlatelolco open air market. Photo: Martin Høyem
A vendor of snakes.
It’s hard to tell from a diorama, of course, but I would assume these are dead snakes. In the background, the guy you would go to should you be contemplating turkey or other fowl for dinner. From a model in Museo National de Antropología in Mexico D.F., showing the Tlatelolco open air market. Photo: Martin HøyemBibliography
- Pastrana, Miguel. Teotihuacanos, toltecas y tarascos: los indígenas de Mesoamérica I. Segunda edición. México, D.F.: Nostra Ediciones, 2013.
- Real Academia Española. Diccionario de La Lengua Española. Vigesimotercera edición, Edición del Tricentenario. Madrid: Real Academia Española, 2014.